Long time never update this blog.
Was too busy in these 2 months.
Is that a good thing?
Hmm .___.
Well, happy things happened in this 2 months~
the happiest one was on my birthday!
I received many special presents this year. :D
The first present was a shirt form Ivy. Sek sai her~<3
The second one, ukulele from church friends!
Awwww one of dream had been fulfilled! :D
Im now can play ukulele anytime, anywhere~Haaa
Third present,
Whoaaa. Unimaginable.
My uncle gave me an IPAD! :O
Ipad 2!
I've never ever thought of getting an ipad for myself~~
Thanks and very thanks to my uncle~
He'd treated me very very good, like his daughter. =)
Btw he's only got 2 sons. XD
Lastly, of course cant forget about my jimui's one~
They bought me Body shop's body shampoo set.
Limited edition one. :D
Coco flavor shampoo. Awww <3
They also brought me to Kampai to eat japanese food.
Celebrated my birthday. :D
Love them soooo much!
Mom&dad went to taiwan.
Bro & i went to KL! :D
Watch an awesome philharmonic and also ate taiwanese food in KLCC.
Shopping at Time square, The mines, Mid valley, Gardens mall and Leisure mall.
Bought a clothe and a skirt, bag and shoes!
Before going back to ipoh, we went to Genting as well!
Enjoyed the cool air up there..=D
Eat, play, sleep. Sure fat. ><
After returned back to ipoh,
hang out with classmates.
Watched John Carter. Nice movie =)
Celebrated Cham's birthday with them.
One week holiday passed so fast.
Back to the days of study, study and study...
Sienzzz =S
Hmm. I took part in the school's talentime again this year.
Thought of doing piano and violin duet but not enough practice so only piano solo when competition that day.
Gen jeong dou..~><
Luckily, i won the second place!
I'd never think of winning any place, just want the koko marks Lol.
Besides of koko marks, im going to get RM200 for the prize!
Luckily i'd took part in it coz before that thought of giving up one ><
Happy. :D
Today is the last day of March ler.
Time's passing too fast.
Next month must be something special, surprising & challenging happen to me.
Lol. Wish to have another happy month for me!
Actually there was a thing suddenly happened on this month that i haven't tell.
It made me felt so excited.
Will say it out when the time has come.
Wish everything will go on smoothly in the coming days.. =)
Be strong & tough whenever how bad the things happened to me.
The things can do to make the day better are SMILE & let GOD to lead my life** |