Saturday, September 25, 2010


唉~ 再多一个月多就要打战了--SPM... 以后读不读书靠这个了~... ><
蛮担心自己会考到很差, 一个A都拿不到...
读到了又要怕找不到出路, 失业... ...
呃~~ 不可以不想未来的事, 可是一想又觉得很迷茫......

其实我并不是没有梦想和目标, 只是不能说清楚我以后想做什么~
我跟很多人说过我会读音乐, 因为那是我的兴趣.
有人觉得不错, 也有人觉得没什么出路...
读音乐的哪一科我还不能决定, 以后读完出来要做什么我更加不知道~
舅舅说做音乐蛮难赚到钱, 以后要做自己喜欢的工作没有错, 只是那份工作也要让自己有收入啊~
做音乐的, 需要遇到伯乐, 需要运气... 
这个世界上还有很多人的音乐才华比我棒很多, 如果我不能突围的话, 在做音乐这个圈子就不好混了...
曾经发过明星梦, 想过要在娱乐圈里编制自己的音乐梦想... 毕竟这圈子是跟音乐有关~
 可是看看今天的娱乐圈有多么的混乱, 唉, 不敢想太多...
也费事人家说我发明星梦~ ><

能做的, 努力读书, 慢慢的铺好自己这条路.
要闯出蓝天, 是需要付出的, 跌倒, 受伤, 爬起来, 继续走......
看到很多出色的歌手或音乐人, 他们精彩的音乐路程, 多希望自己也能像他们一样那么有成就~...
真的常常都会在梦自己的未来, 梦里的未来是美好的.
当一认真去想时, 未来是迷茫的...


Saturday, September 4, 2010


那天在学校看到一位朋友的桌上放着一本书, 《那些年, 我们一起追的女孩》
我向她借来看几眼, 一看就看到借回家看~
作者‘九把刀’, 知道他出名的小说家, 写过很多好看的书, 但我一本都没看过.
第一次看这本小说, 就被深深吸引...
里面写的是作者的故事, 故事精彩, 很真实, 细节很生动... 加上作者的文笔非常好, 我越读越上瘾~ >.<
连方文山, 王传一, 李威&苏打绿都爱不释手, 感动推荐呢!                                       

故事是讲述作者在读书时期如何喜欢同班同学, 怎样跟他那班死党去追女孩子, 那时候发生的趣事还有作者对爱情的看法~
里面有蛮多很好笑得情节... 还有一些经典, 很有意思的句子...
Exp: ‘分手, 只需一个人同意, 但[在一起]可是需要两个人同时的认可才能作数. 恋爱就是要这么不确定才有趣不是吗?’
‘开花不结果又有什么?是鱼就一定要游泳?没有结果的爱情, 只要开了花, 颜色就是灿烂的. 见识了那道灿烂, 我的青春, 再也无悔.’
‘如果我的爱情回忆在化为一份记录性书写时, 有任何的意义, 那便是希望每个读着这些故事的男孩女孩, 都能从中获得一点点, 相爱的勇气.’
‘if you risk nothing, then you risk anything.’
‘‘一场名为青春的潮水淹没了我们. 浪退时, 浑身湿透的我们一起坐在沙滩上, 看着我们最爱的女孩用力挥舞双手, 幸福踏向人生的另一端. 下一次浪来, 会带走女孩留在沙滩上的美好足迹. 但我们还在. 刻在我们心中的女孩模样, 也还会在. 豪情不减, 嘻笑当年..’

看着这个故事, 我感同深受, 有同感... 作者喜欢那个女孩很久很久, 到最后他们是没有结果, 虽然曾经是喜欢对方的... 最后他们都在各自的心上刻下美好的回忆~...
想到自己也有将的经验, 只是作者是追女子, 我还在读书时期, 也没像他那样有好的结局, 不过那过程就因为不确定而觉得美好的, 即使暧昧不清也是甜蜜的. 
看到那个人幸福, 快乐, 也就是自己的福气了.

青春就是那么精彩, 作者所写: ‘青春是一场大雨. 即使感冒了, 也盼望回头再淋它一次.’
随着岁月慢慢流逝, 相信青春会是我最想要的东西.
看来我也可以写一本属于自己的-- ‘那些年, 暗恋的男孩’ XD 哈哈~

这本小说, 一个字, ‘赞’!
以后会多多支持九把刀了~~ ^^


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Trial is over~!!

SPM trial 终于都过了~  考试的日子好难过哦... ><
来不及做revision, 来不及读书, 题目没那么简单, 真的考试考到很烦啊~~
十个科目读死人了... 真正的spm还有两个月多, 好想将那段时间skip掉, 不用考~ =)
hoo~... 今天也总算考完一个试, 真想打叫一下, YEAH~!!!!

好开心, 今天一考完试明天就去玩噜~~ 一家人还有几班朋友一起去pangkor噜!! ^^
两天一夜, 还嫌不够呢~ =P
唉.. 好久没这样出去玩了~... 好期待出去真正晒一次太阳!! (会做好防晒准备的><*)
想象明天去到pangkor海滩, 游泳, 坐船,... 迫不及待~!^.^
今晚就睡个好觉, 发个好梦, 明天有好心情去玩乐咯~~
放假, 我最爱了~<3  想放假想了很久... 终于来了~ 虽然只是三天, 拜一还要考bio paper1...
无所谓~ 有得放假就是了!;D


Saturday, July 24, 2010


Went for a wedding dinner (3/7/10) , went gai gai wiv ji mui (9/7/10)~ so happy wheee...

taking wiv the bride~

                                                        all of us dressing up leng leng~~ ^^

ready for gai gai luu~~ <3

hope to go gai gai again wiv all my ji mui~!! <3


Friday, June 18, 2010

Half day trip @Cameron Highland ~

tat day afternoon, my dad nid to go to Cameron for working.
my mom said she wan to go wiv my dad~ then my bro n i juz follow them to go luu...
coz being at home felt really boring~ i no Cameron hav no special place to go but it's better than being at home n ntg to do...><

my bro n i sitting in the car, going to Cameron~!! ^^


along the way to cameron, i felt very pengsan, headache n juz wan to vomit... T_T
so cham err...... not feeling well at all~ @.@

Finally, we arrive cameron highland~~ my mom cal my dad to fetch us to tea farm or tea shop to hav a tea time. =)
but the place tat my dad wan to go for working had no tea farm or tea shop...
i thought we realli no place to go jor....
suddenly, i saw a big coffee shop named-- STARBUCKS**
cool~ i cal my dad to put us down n we'll go for starbucks to hav our tea time!! ^^v
the shop looked very nice n very comfort for us to sit in the shop n having our tea time~~
                                                       see my mum so relax sitting over there... =]

My chocolate ice+cream on top~ nice**

 actually i order jor hot chocolate+cream. Unfortunately, when i gonna drink it, a stupid fly landing on the cream n then drop into the chocolate drinks......
my mom help me take the dirty chocolate drink to counter thr to change for a new one~
then i can get a new chocolate ice for myself~~ ^^
really enjoy myself over thr... taking photo, drinking chocolate, on9, listening to my ipod......

                                                       after working my dad cum to join us~

we juz walk around sum shops n saw my parents' fren over thr~
he treat us to eat dinner leh~~ ^^ so gud...
aft dinner we juz rush bck to ipoh coz i got tt at 8pm... -.-"
it was raining on the way we going bck to home...
very cold err when raining~ although we siting in the car stil can felt cold.
bcoz of raining, my dad hav to drive carefully n slower.
i oredi late for tt...
anywhere, quite happy to spending my time wiv my lovely family at Cameron highland~ <3


Monday, June 14, 2010

... ...

i want to go out wiv frenz... shopping, playing,eating or many other things~
i lik to hav my moments wiv my lovely frenz~~ 
chicken pox onli ma... when i wan to go out, dunno y many ppl wil scare on me...(sum of them wil oso caring abt me lar~)
i oredi getting recover ler~now stil got sum scar on my skin jek ma...but u all cnt c it coz my hands,legs n face had no scar...
when the chicken pox recover wil bcum scar~those ppl who got chicken pox b4 muz know geh... 
moreover,those ppl who got b4 stil wan to scare on me... lol~ -.-
almost 2 weeks lar~ no more virus can spread ler gua...
plz dun maximize tis problem lar... everyone oso wil get chicken pox one~...

2 weeks holiday,1st week i got chicken pox n unfortunely, my grandpa was passed away......
now onli left 1 week for me to relax myself, but still cnt go here go there...(accept sat n sun go to church...)
quite boring staying at home...=( 
onli elaineku wil cal me go out for gai gai~ 
haiz...wan to c all my ji mui, chat sum si, chat ba gua, chat wat oso can~~
juz miss them too much~~~ >< hehe...
being at home, on9,watch tv, play piano, even go n study tim~~ coz really ntg to do jor... T_T
i juz wan to relax myself,do sumthg tat i lik to do during tis holiday!!
hoo... THE END~

Saturday, June 5, 2010


还有几天就是camp了~期待那么久现在突然间一大盆冷水泼在我身上说不能去,就因为生水痘! 简直是心碎了...
个个人问候我,都说到camp我不能去,sad 啦~... =(
现在不只camp没得去,什么地方都不能去了~要待在家里差不多一个星期,快疯了... T.T
今天早上还因为不能去camp的事而流泪... 家人出去吃饭留我在家...晚上不能去教会...星期日也不能去教会......不能见到教会的朋友.......呃!疯了~~ ><*
庆幸生水痘一生只生一次,要不然在有下次让我死掉算了...... (发泄讲讲罢了~)

要谢谢我的朋友们那么关心我啦~ 一知道我中水痘就问候我,要我照顾好自己啊, 要我喝多点水啊, 叫我不要去抓痒怕会留疤啊...... 真是谢谢你们的关心哦~ =)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Belated birthday card from frenz...

My belated birthday card~ haha
quite nice huh...

hehe...thanks to all the church's frenz ~~ 
i luv u all so much!!
May God bless u all~~ =)

Monday, March 15, 2010

一首歌, 给自己, 给经历着/经历过爱情的好朋友...



爱虽然很美妙  却不能为了寂寞  又陷了泥沼

爱要耐心等待仔细寻找  感觉很重要
宁可空白了手  等候一次真心的拥抱
我相信在这个世界上  一定会遇到对的人出现在眼角
如何祝福  如何转身 不要在眼泪体会到与自己拥抱

爱不是一种需要  是一种对照
付出去多少  然后得到多少并不计较
放手去爱  海阔天高......

Friday, March 5, 2010

Happy birthday to me~ ^^

wow~ tis year geh birthday i felt very hapi oo^^
i got many presents frm frenz frm family, their wishing, their caring,
n of coz blessing frm my lovely God father!! <3 
thx to God n all my frenz who treat me sooooo gud~~ ^^
i luv u all forever~~~~~ hehe
n all of u leave me some unforgettable memories...
giv me a big big present in parade (quite pai seh, but very gam dong...T_T)
giv me a beautiful chain (got my name gah~^^)
giv me a nice n cute pillow for me to hug it (very comfort to hug it oo...)
giv me a pretty dress (although a bit mature jor n i not dare to wear it... >.<)
treat me eat sushi (3 times in feb. ^^cool~)
treat me eat kenny rogers (wiv my family..syoknya~)
treat me eat secret recipe (wiv kok nyin n sandy^^)
celebrate for me in church  (touching......)

many many thg leh... very hapi ^^
n very gam dong tat my family n frenz wil treat me soooo gud,soooo care about me~ T_T
i reali reali luv u all~~ may God bless u all ya**
it's a happy, happiest birthday to me,since im a 17 years old now...
izit dai gor lui jor for 17?? haha! >.<

my name Sharon~ ^^
nice rite?


                                             the big big present ya~~
                                                  my lovely teddy bear <3
 the pillow....very comfort one^^

other presents din take photo...^^"
very nice ya all of tis presents~ i like them very very much~~~ 
for me,all tis presents r very special! ^^
thankQ very very much to my frenz who gav me all tis presents!!
i had very enjoyed my birthday =)


Sunday, February 21, 2010

During CNY...

woo!! quite hapi ya tis year geh cny~
although no cny mood...
haha~i felt hapi coz can go gai gai wiv many many frenz~~
especially wiv my best best sister^^haha
1st day of cny: at nite go to jusco yum cha wiv elaineku n her fren...
2nd day: shopping in jusco wiv elaineku n her fren too...
3rd day: watch Leehom's concert dvd at home...**
4th day: shopping in parade wiv elaineku n her family...
5th day: watch 'Da bing xiao jiang' in jusco again wiv church frenz...
6th day: shopping in parade again wiv elaineku n ivy...
7th day: go bai nin wiv church frenz...
8th day: go parade again wiv church frenz......

hehe~ so pity ipoh only got 2 popular shopping centre to go... >.<
tis new year arr bought jor 2 new shoes, new bag, new shirt(bought by elaineku^^)........
syok lor~~~~ ^^v*
another thg, tat let me vry gam dong.......
i  received my lovely teddy bear frm my dearest frenz!!
my birthday present~~^^
haha~actually my bday haven't reach yet..

big big present box~

               my lovely bear bear!! ^^

i luv it vry vry much~~!! ^3^

thx to elaineku,ivy,jia hui,jean,siamun,daimun,benny,kah wai,my bro~~
thx to u all coz giv me tis present~i like it vry much ya^^
ah! n thx to yanyan,yan ni n ah hou~
they oso giv me a nice nice present...thx to u all!!
vry gam dong err~~
walau~they giv me big big present in parade leh...
i vry shy to accept tis present tat time coz many ppl looking at us!
>.<...they still wan to sing hapi bday song louder at thr~
haha!! anywhr i'm vry gam dong to tat coz they dare to do those thg to make me hapi~
wuwuwuw~~frenz, i luv u all forever n ever!!!! **
haha...thx n thx n thx to u all~~



Sunday, February 7, 2010

CNY is coming luu~

still got one week jau happy CNY luu!! ^o^ jor new shirt,new shoes,new pants n cut my hair oso~ haha
new shirt huh? actually is elaineku buy for me geh~ 
myself haven't buy lar... nvm, still got one week~~ ^^
n thx to ELAINEKU to buy me a cute cute shirt! my lovely Baby Milo shirt <3

i oredi got 4 Baby Milo t-shirt leh~ hehe.. very happy^^
2 of them were gave by my cousin,another 2 were bought by elaineku~~
wuahahaha......syoknya~~ ^^v
hope to buy sum more ya...kaka
yeah! cny can take many ang pau ho~
after i take ang pau can buy many many thg lor~~ XD
joking lar~ i wont waste so many money geh lor.. ^^
now i juz waiting for de coming of cny
can play crazily,eat many thg,ban leng leng,take ang pau........bla bla bla~
cool~ cny faster cum lar... =)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

No Title ...

hmm... last friday i drink ice-cream soda!
nice leh...^^ make by myself one~~
pink colour leh... bcoz of tat day vry vry hot, mommy n i try to drink tis for cooling down both of us~haha =D
realli cool oo~~~

yesterday nite n today busy practice for de dance...
err~de dance hav to perform on 31th Jan celebration held by government.
omg!! many ppl wil attend de celebration tat nite~~
so scary lor wan me stand on de stage n perform de chinese
i'll b shy n of coz vry vry de nervous....... haiz~
nvm, tat nite i got chance to c 林宥嘉~!! popular singer in taiwan~~
wuahaha......he's one of my favorite singer leh~
his songs vry nice yo~~ i like his songs so much~...
yeah! so hapi can c him n listen to him to sing live on tat nite~~
dunno can take pht wiv him anot leh...^^"

woo~~vry gen jiong waiting for tat nite coming...hehehe
c dou Yoga mou?? :D
who wan to attend de celebration juz go to stadium~7.30pm

it's free~!! rmb to support me ya~dun juz wan to c Yoga onli o...XD hoho


Friday, January 15, 2010

I had a bad day... =(

Bad day...
Today to scl, 1st period is chemistry.
juz step in de lab, we hav to copy copy copy many thg...for de peka. 
during de periods,my stomach pain~i thought ntg..juz continue copying...
after tat we bck to class. de chemist teacher said muz pass up de peka today.
all of us try to finish de peka faster in class..although is de eng.periods...
i busy copying...suddenly lulu tel me tat i din copy dou sumthg~
omg~~i copy de thg for a loooong time n vry tired oredi,suddenly i found tat i din copy dou sumthg...she said teacher got said nid to copy tat part,but i din heard it~coz my place were vry far frm de teaher!
dunno y de teacher arrange me to tat place??carmen sit wiv me,both of us oso cnt heard de teacher's voice during de 2periods! onli can heard she said:"class,stand~go bck to ur class now."....... 

erhg!! i felt not hapi tat time,i hate to copy sooo many notes!!!
i hav to copy tat part again...>.<
copy copy copy...copy until de nex period....
de moral teacher dun let us to do any other works~so i hav to stop copying my thg.
hng! i din brg my moral books~
i saw my time table-- 'AM' actually means moral,but i thought 'AM' means 'Add Math'...
i brg all my add math books to scl......
so unfortunely,de teacher nid to use work book~i brg it last time he din use,i din brg then he wan to use~~==
he cal out all de students to stand in front of de class,luckily many frenz pui me to stand~but i felt more unhapi....
almost de whole day i felt not hapi... 
after tat still hav a accident happen to me,but i cnt write it out over here...
arhxxx!! very very bad mood huh~~~
y suddenly got many bad thgs happen to me in today??!
after scl stil hav to listen to my mum's chatter...
erhg! my oredi no mood geh lar~still hav to heard all tis bored thg...
tat make me more angry!! i cnt control my emotion jor tis time...>.<*
nobody can let me to pour out all tis thg~juz can write out on my blog...

i got a feeling, tat's today gonna b my bad bad day~!!!!  T_T


Saturday, January 9, 2010

1 week in school already ...

Finally 'ngai' jor one week in scl...
hor~ quite boring sumtimes n so tired...
coz still cnt habit tat i hav to wake up so early~~ zzZ
always  feel  sleepy in de class...
so fast hav to do homework luu~ n start my tuition too...
muz add oil for my exam n SPM lar~ haiz...

Wednesday start my piano lesson too~
yeah! so happy tat day~
coz i received a little gift frm my piano teacher~~ ^^
so cute ya~~ is my lovely teddy bear<3
but not de big big gong zei lar... >.<

cute anot?? ^^
is a book mark/paper clip!!

                            *so nice ya the little gift~~like it <3

very thankQ to my piano teacher~~^^
n thx for her teaching to me... for so many years oredi ...
hmm... ntg to write oredi~ ^^"
so, juz  end over here~~




Monday, January 4, 2010

School's reopen day ...

haiz~ hav to went to scl finally...
so happy can c all my ji mui, can play or laugh crazily wiv them, chat 8 gua wiv them~ =D
oso felt boring coz beside talking wiv frenz n eating junk food, ntg to do at all...
onli the mo. math teacher got teach us sum math n gav us sum works to do~
whn ntg to do say boring, whn hav to study or do homework say lazy...... 
always giv mommy 'ngem ngem ngem'... >.<
however, still hav to study hard for SPM...if not, my future will ......
haiz~~ -.-
Gambateh lar Shinshin!! and to all my form5 frenz too...
try my best n do the best~ i no God will lead me all the way...

                 Cheer me up~!!! *  XD


Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Happy New Year luu~ ...

Continue the last post...

that day Elaineku suddenly cum to my house jor~ cant continue writing... >.<
woo~ 2010 year luu~~
school open day is coming luu~~~
cannot play play jor... hav to say goodbye to my holidays...
hav to add oil for my SPM...... haiz~
i dun like exam... hehe~~
miss my best best frenz oo...

waiting for cny~~ coz Elaineku will cum bck to ipoh!! ^^haha
i can take many ang pau oo~~ ^^v*

hmm.... ntg to write tim~ =.=

wish i can do many thg i like in this new year~~ 
and sumthg i haven't do in last year oso can do in 2010~~or do it better ya ^^
live happy n enjoy in this year~~**

     == END ==